Wednesday, September 22, 2010

260 Rapot St Kingston, Ont. 21/12/26

My dear Bennie,

I received your card and note, and I want to thank you very much. Greatly as I regret it, I will not be able to make it this Christmas, Ben, and I am very sorry about it, as I know I would have had a wonderful time.

As I told you before (I think I did) I have made a "date" with a girl-friend of mine since September to spend our own Christmas together - at least some of it. So she is coming down to Toronto, and I'll meet her there. However, with all that, I am a confirmed bachelor, and will remain so for a long time to come - so help me god.

I bet New York at Christmas time is like a huge roaring bee-hive! It must be gorgeous to be there now! Well, Ben, unless I get bumped off before that, by hook or crook I'll spend a Christmas in New York yet! And if you won't invite me over, I'll come over anyway, take a couple of rooms opposite yours and thumb noses at you across the corridor! *

I hope you will have a great time this Christmas, Bennie, and I hope Mrs. Stinchfield will feel fine and enjoy herself too. I think I will have a good time - I hope so anyway.

Please give my love to you and mother and remember me to ms. Gladys, and Owen when you see them.

Always loving you,


P.S. I am very busy writing my thesis - on underground scraping - like at Calumet and Hecla & Wisconsin (un.) Range, USA.

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