Thursday, October 7, 2010

Levack, Sudbury, Ont. August 4th, 1929

Dearest Bennie,

Well, how are you, dear fellow? Gee, I was sad to leave you that night, I felt so happy at your home - life, as I said before, was like one sweet delightful dream - the only thing I got annoyed at is when I stalled the car going up-hill! Now, now, now!......"I'm playing another ball"!

Well, here I am. I have just written a letter to Mrs. Stinchfiled and therein are all the news. Now, I shall try to find something that I might have missed out.

At Montreal, I went on a two-hour bus trip all around the town. The driver explained, after pointing out all the interesting buildings. It was very delightful. It was so very funny to see what a splendid job the French Canadians have done to separate themselves socially from the English. There is a special French part of the city and the architecture of the houses struck me as being rather peculiar: the front door is on the first floor so that the wooden stairs, often winding through an angle of 90 degrees, lead to a height of over fourteen feet high above the ground level. There is another part of the city for rich French-Canadians, yet another for rich English! The Cathedral of Notre Dame is a wonderful building both inside and outside, but it is going to be totally eclipsed by the wonderful Cathedral de St Joseph de Montreal they are building now. Have you seen the wonderful collection of crutches they have there, that were left by people that are said to have been healed at the shrine? It seems too good to be true.

well, Ben, your ten dollars won't be yours yet for about a fortnight - that's when you shall get my first cheque.

I have made silly mistakes at Montreal and Toronto: at Montreal, I asked id there was any difference in fares from Montreal to Sudbury direct or through Toronto. They said there was none. So I took a ticket to Toronto. When trying to get a ticket from Sudbury, I was short of money because there was a difference of no less than five dollars. But the company soon fixed that up and all was well. Amid all this excitment, I forgot to cheque my luggage to Sudbury and arrived there with two cheques marked "Toronto". I have to wire to have them sent over for the pleasure of which the Canadian National Railways Co. retained 70c from my scanty and fast dwindling capital. Now; however, all is well.

Mr. Sharp, my manager, has changed from Garson to Laveck about three months ago, so I got a job here.

Well, Ben, this is really all the news. I can't think of anything interesting to say, not that what I said so far is especially absorbing. How is everything at home? I hope the Doctor is better, is not, I shall send a stick of dynamite post-haste with directions how to use. How do you get on with Owen at tennis? I hope that, due to my exceptional coaching, the games are close - when you are playing punk!

Well, good-bye, Bennie, I shall write to you again.

Your loving very very much


My address:
W.H. Peacock Esq.
c/o A.F. Sharp Esq.
Levack Mine* near Sudbury, Ont.

* This link is about as useful as an outbreak of syphilus. It is a mine-cam, as in underground, in the pitch black. "Check back to see the occasion light from blasting" it says. But then I might have to take a break from my paint-drying program.

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