Sunday, January 23, 2011

Levack Mine Sudbury Ont. Friday, August 30th 1929

Sweet Bennie,

You dear fellow! You still seem to thing there is a chance of me not liking your letters 100%! Hasn't the fact taht I have so often written to yo, succeeded to prove definitely how I appreciate your letters! Bear in mind Bennie, that every letter I receive from you is so much joy to me - gladness to hear from you all the news of your household, happiness to feel your dear, warm friendship. Oh Bennie, dear, I am so happy to be your friend!

I have received your book and papers. Thank you ever so much, Bennie. The book made me feel rather sad - you understand well don't you? But it is a fine book - it made me me think, as well as feel. I have recognised many people in the book - I mean I know some people that are just like the characters in it. The book was finished in something like four hours - nothing missed out - so that you can imagine how interest I was. The papers also provided the reading for the whole morning, and I have read the article about Dr. Cromwell.  The part of the paper on book-reviews is certainly interesting. Also the article on the building of the Panama Canal. That must have been wonderful! I have thought about it yesterday when I was picking and shovelling a ditch about thirty yards long, and felt sorry for the poor hundred odd cranes and dredges employed! They must have stained their coal-burning tummies, bless their mild-steel hearts.

A friend of mine has written a post card to me to tell me that I have passed Physics.  Another friend told me that I have passed Geology. And I know I have passed the rest. So that is a bit of worry off my shoulders - Rah!

I am now working underground where the work is very much harder than in the rock house. But I practice the Big Three and all goes well. I think a lit of you Bennie and remember our talks, and all that has been said.

Well, I have only half an hour to write a letter to your mother so I must stop. Love and kisses to mother and Auntie Lydia.

Your Loving Guigui

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